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Seared Steak Sushi Salad

Everyone who knows me knows that I am not the biggest fish fan, but that aside, I actually do love sushi. I've been mocked and told that it isn't real sushi unless it consists of raw fish, but that actually isn't true. Sushi by definition refers to the vinegared rice which is then *usually* topped by raw fish, or vegetables, or in this case.. delicious seared sesame steak.

So, call it what you want, but this is one of my favorite (easy & lazy - since it is not even rolled) versions of sushi. It's an awesome Shabbos day dish (which I often only assemble on shabbos morning -- meaning: super easy prep!) I prepare the steak and rice the day before, and then assemble everything fresh the day of. It can be made with raw fish, cooked sesame salmon, teriyaki chicken thighs chopped up, you pick! It's always a hit. And again, i'll stress. its easy!

I made this one in a spring form pan, but it can just as easily be prepared in a round glass baking dish, or a trifle bowl... in individual glasses (now thats getting fancy ;) or however you choose!


Serves: 8-10


3 C sushi rice (prepared as per package instructions)

1 large cucumber

2 C matchstick carrots

4 avocados

1 large sweet potato

1 lb Choice Beef Chuck- flip steaks

Toasted Sesame seeds (for garnish)

3 Tbsp soy sauce

Salt & garlic powder to taste


2 C mayonaise

3 Tbsp lemon juice

2 Tbsp sriracha

1 tsp toasted sesame oil

(Adjust to taste/spice preference)

Water (add as needed to make thinner)


Cook rice as directed, add 3 Tbsp rice vinegar and a pinch of sugar, and mix

Put rice into an airtight container and refrigerate over night or at least 5 hours

Heat a frying pan on high heat with olive oil, and fry the steaks (they usually only need 1-2 minutes per side)

Cut sweet potato into small match sticks, and bake until soft (coat with salt, garlic powder and oil)

Remove steaks, and slice into thin strips, coat with soy sauce, salt & garlic powder and put into fridge in an airtight container or bag until you are ready to assemble.

Cucumbers: cut into small match sticks

Avocado: slice into thin strips

Assembly: Layer rice (wet hands to make this easier), all of your veggies, steak, rice, repeat.

Top with sesame seeds & spicy mayo and serve with soy sauce, ginger, and wasabi if you like.


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