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Magic Cookie Bars

Kosher Magic Cookie Bars

They say that taste and smell are two things that can take you back in time, a memory where you feel as though you're there again - as if you are back in that moment. For me, these cookie bars are one of those recipes that bring me back to childhood. These were an absolute favorite growing up, the kind of treat I requested on my birthday, and the one my mother sent me on my first birthday away from home freshman year of college.

This year's Pesach schedule was a hefty one, with really only one day of Chol Hamoed (intermediary days). After a full week of eating (A LOT) of meat (red meat), potatoes, and hearty dishes, Pesach came to an end giving us basically one day to breathe before it was time to get back into the kitchen, bake some challah and prepare for Shabbos. The thought of meat really wasn't so appetizing to me (surprisingly, not even to my meat loving husband) so I decided to go against the grain and make a dairy Shabbos dinner tonight. With that comes the endless possibilities of a DAIRY dessert... ooooh. So I decided to make these magical, I mean Magic Cookie Bars. They are SO flipping delicious, and would make a wonderful Shabbos morning treat to pair with a coffee as well.



½ C butter (melted)

½ C graham cracker crumbs

22 oz sweet & condensed milk (1 ½ cans)

2 cups chocolate chips

2 cups flaked coconut

1 C pecans - chopped

1 C walnuts - chopped

Kosher Magic Cookie Bars


Preheat oven to 350 (325 for glass)

Grease the sides of a 9x13 pan

Note: amounts of layered items are approximate- use enough to lightly cover

each layer!

Pour melted butter into pan. Sprinkle graham cracker crumbs over the butter to

cover the bottom.

Place all of the walnuts on top of the crumbs. Place half of the coconut on the


For this part, use about ¼ can sweet and condensed milk. Pour sweet and condensed milk in four 1 inch strips over nuts. If milk is pouring too thick – warm it a bit. Again.. amount is approximate.

Place ALL of the chocolate chips on top of the nuts. 2 cups (one 12 ounce package is


Add second half of coconut. Finish with all of the pecans.

Pour about 1/4 can of sweetened and condensed milk over the top. Again… the amount is approximate – this time use enough to cover the whole top, but be sure to not use too much otherwise the bars will be soggy.

Bake for 35 to 45 minutes or until lightly browned.

Use spatula to loosen sides before it cools.

Cool until just a bit warm before cutting. If too warm graham cracker crumbs on

bottom will fall off- if too cold it may be too hard to cut.

Cut into small squares with a sharp knife.

Completely cool before covering.

YUM! Enjoy!

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