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about me

Hey!  Welcome to my blog site!  I am Sarah, aka The Rustic Maidel.


I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and after spending nearly ten years exploring areas outside of Cleveland, I have found myself back here, building a home with my Husband, our fiery two year old, and another on the way!


Friends and family have been telling me for years that I should write a cookbook, so this is my version, for now.  It’s a place to share my recipe ideas, and the fun i’m having in my kitchen with all of you.  While I live a traditional Jewish lifestyle (keeping to the laws of Kosher, and all) - I was not raised this way, so sometimes I like to try and re-create dishes from my past, and spin off of traditional non-kosher dishes to craft them into a kosher one.


My formal degree is actually in Arabic language and political science, with a master's in public policy, so I have absolutely no traditional training in the kitchen, aside from growing up in a home with a mother who loves to cook, and a family that enjoys eating.  In & after university, I spent time living overseas in Cairo, Egypt, Jerusalem Israel, and traveling around (typically eating.. constantly) - where I gained a lot of inspiration for food types around the world.


In 2010, I married my better half, and we moved to Johannesburg, South Africa — his hometown, for four years to begin our life together.  As a wife, I truly began loving to cook and experiment in the kitchen.  From our tiny one bedroom apartment kitchen, and our first Thanksgiving (in South Africa) to our first home in Ohio, my husband and I enjoy spending time together tinkering around the kitchen, making new things, hosting those we love, and now; photographing and writing about it.


Join us on our journey, and let us know what you think!



Sarah Braun AKA The Rustic Maidel

Kosher Food Blogger. Recipe Developer. Mamma. Extreme Crafter & Decorating enthusiast. Follow me @therusticmaidel on instagram. Email me at

Headshot photo credit: ellieB Photography

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